Corporate members


Kulczyk Investments

We are a private investment house with offices in Luxembourg, London, and Warsaw. We have been providing European companies with support for global growth for more than thirty years. We make long-term investments using our own capital, know-how, and international partnerships.  We identify firms and assets that have global potential, and help to enhance their […]


Luther S.A.

Located in the European Union’s leading financial centre, Luther Luxembourg offers comprehensive legal advice to multinational companies, investment funds, private equity funds, financial institutions, and individuals. To better serve its clients, Luther Luxembourg uses the law firm’s extensive network of international offices. In addition, Luther has formed a network with the law firms Fidal (France) and Pirola Pennuto & Associati (Italy). […]



INDUNA is a privately owned and totally independent family-minded company founded in Luxembourg in the late 90’s. Duly authorized as Specialized Professional of the Financial Sector by the CSSF, we provide with highly specialized Corporate and Fund services along with the tailor-made solutions through privileged relationships with our Clients. Specialized in Alternative Investment Funds, we […]


Goeres Group

Located in the heart of Luxembourg, the Goeres Group welcomes you in its 4 hotels of different categories: – Economy: Hotel Parc Belle-vue*** Belle-Vue – English – Goeres Hotels – Business (superior): Hotel Parc Plaza*** Parc Plaza – English – Goeres Hotels – Executive: Hotel Parc Belair****Parc Belair – English – Goeres Hotels – Exclusive: […]


Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH)

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) supports both the foreign expansion of Polish business and the inflow of FDI into Poland. We also aim to boost Polish exports. Supporting entrepreneurs, the Agency assists in overcoming administrative and legal procedures,  related to specific projects as well as helps to develop legal solutions, find a suitable […]


Synergy Codes

Synergy Codes delivers custom-designed and convenient low-code apps for interactive data&process visualization dedicated to various business industries such as financial, energy, gas&oil, automotive, IT, and more. Located in Poland, we serve clients globally regardless of the time zone. Synergy Codes started its journey in 2011. Since then, we have helped over 100 clients, including Fortune500 […]



ValueLogic is a full-service software house that adjusts and finds technological solutions to meet business challenges. We support global companies in digital transformation, we create applications and offer “tailor-made” products. We provide services to clients from many various industries, cooperate with innovative start-ups and take on technological challenges immediately. Of note, among our business partners are […]


Altum Group

We are a leading international provider of fund, corporate and family office solutions. Established in 2000, Altum Group is independent and owner-managed with more than $32bn AUM, and 140 dedicated people across four jurisdictions. We bring together exceptionally talented professionals, proven processes, and leading technology solutions to ensure the highest value service offering in every […]


MNK Partners

MNK Partners is a Portfolio management company regulated by the French Financial Authority (AMF) as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), dedicated to private, professional, and institutional investors.  Based in Paris, Luxembourg, and Warsaw, we structure and manage real estate solutions with high-value potential for our investors across Europe. We aim at building up real […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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