Bartosz Jałowiecki

Bartosz Jałowiecki, Poland’s former ambassador to Luxembourg and LPCC’s honorary member, serves as LPCC’s representative in Poland.

Bartosz is a graduate of Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and he has been holding numerous managerial positions in public administration, in the private sector and in think-tanks – in Poland and in the United States. Throughout his business career, Bartosz has been a member of supervisory boards of publicly traded companies active in the IT sector, real estate, oil exploration, media, electronics, and brokerage services. During his term as Polish ambassador to Luxembourg (2011 – 2016), he contributed to the establishment of Luxembourg-Poland Business Club, and he was the first recipient of the “Business Ambassador of the Year” Award. Currently, Bartosz is a “cross-border worker” who regularly commutes between Poland and the Grand Duchy.

Please feel free to contact Bartosz to facilitate and advance your business relations in Poland.

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