General Assembly 2022
This time of the year prompts to gather all the LPCC Members for taking a vote about the further development of the organisation. It’s also a great time to sum up all the activities and ideas picked up by our team, as well as discuss plans for the future. Overall, the event was attended by around 50 guests.
On Monday, the 14th of November 2022, not only did we celebrate the Grand Finale of the 9th edition of the Entrepreneurial Woman Project, but also it was time to gather all LPCC Members for the annual General Assembly.

All guests were welcomed by our host Lisa Burke. Then the President of LPCC Artur Sosna & Vice-President Adam Tymofiejewicz joined the stage. Before passing on the topic of EWP, they swiftly presented the highlights of the LPCC actions over the last year and plans for the future.
Introduction and LPCC highlights
After a brief introduction, our team was able to share the successes achieved in the past, and summarise our growth over the years. We were thrilled to announce once more that the year 2022 marks 10 years of the presence of the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce.
We also proudly shared the following numbers:
- Over 23.000 Newsletter Subscribers
- Over 1.500 LinkedIn Followers
- 54 Corporate Members
- 31 Private Members
- 133 Hosted Events

New at LPCC
After introducing our Team, as well as our Corporate Members, we were able to show what changed in the LPPC’s approach to digital marketing communication. It was the time to promote our 10th Anniversary Celebratory Brochure and show off our brand new Newsletter layout with fresh and original content. Subscribe now to be up to date!
We could also display our growing community on LinkedIn, where we publish engaging posts with eye-catching graphics. Last but not least, there’s our website that features important news or job posts.
As the presentation followed, there were also discussed all the events that took place in the last year.

Amongst the plans for next year, we have the 4th Luxembourg-Poland Business Conference that is being organised as we speak. We will meet on January, 27, with the topic of “Future of sustainable finances. Digital Strategy and Initiatives in Luxembourg & Poland”. Other plans included our flagship events (descriptions available here) and an idea of a project dedicated to students of finance. All of our upcoming events are being updated regularly on our website, but be sure to subscribe to our news not to miss out on anything!
LPCC financial situation 2022 and budget 2023
As every new idea and change couldn’t be buttoned up if it weren’t for financial input, LPCC Vice-President Adam Tymofiejewicz presented the organisation’s financial situation and budget for the upcoming year. It was also a good time to discuss the possibility of growth and ideas for new services provided by LPCC.

Amendments and Voting
To finish with the formalities, there also took place voting on important topics regarding LPCC’s actions. Every LPCC Member, private or otherwise, could vote in favour or against five important resolutions.

As the night progressed, the guests started enjoying themselves engaging in discussion, appreciating tasty appetizers, champagne, and soft music playing in the background.

Don’t forget to check our gallery for more photos from the event. And find out more about the Award Ceremony that followed the General Assembly in this exclusive event coverage.

Oliwia Gertych,