ICT Spring

june, 2022

30junAll Day01julICT Spring


Event Details

We are delighted to inform you about the organisation of the 7th edition of the International Business Meetings by b2fair® at ICT Spring 2022.
ICT Spring is designed to be the place where digital, tech and science converge gathering movers and shakers from many different industries. Its aim is to encourage emulation and networking between business decisions makers, entrepreneurs, innovation managers, start-ups, researchers and investors on a global scale. In this way, the matchmaking sessions offer companies the opportunity to build business relationships and encourage strategic partnerships in the ICT sector, both at European and international level. Click here to find more information about the tracks of the event.


When:  30th June – 1st July 2022
Where: Luxexpo The Box, Luxembourg

Participation fees:

  • Early Bird until 29th April: € 75 / participant
  • After 29th April: € 100 / participant


On the programme:

  • Visit of the ICT Spring
  • International Business Meetings by b2fair
  • Visit to the High-Performance Computer MeluXina (TBC)

Deadline for registration: 29th June 2022


June 30 (Thursday) - July 1 (Friday)


Luxexpo The Box, Luxembourg

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


