General Assembly & EWP Awards 2023

Celebrating Entrepreneurial Triumphs: LPCC’s EWP Grand Finale & Awards Gala

What an electrifying evening it was at the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce (LPCC)’s General Assembly and the culminating event of the 10th Entrepreneurial Woman Project (EWP) held at Arendt House in Luxembourg-Kirchberg!

The General Assembly commenced with Artur Sosna, President of LPCC, highlighting the chamber’s significant milestones, bridging the gap between our nations through 135 impactful events over eleven years. Noteworthy was the emphasis on future initiatives, including the much-anticipated 5th annual Luxembourg-Poland Business Conference on Cybersecurity (29th February 2024) and the 11th EWP set to launch on 21st September 2024.

Adam Tymofiejewicz, LPCC Vice-President, outlined the financial standing, underscoring the chamber’s resilient recovery post-pandemic. With a €60,000 budget for 2023 and optimistic projections for 2024, the meeting culminated in approved resolutions that solidify our path forward.

The spotlight then turned to the EWP Grand Finale & Award Ceremony, acknowledging the incredible women entrepreneurs who flourished through the EWP workshops. Sofie Verstraeten‘s keynote speech emphasised the significance of holistic well-being in our lives and businesses, setting a powerful tone for the evening.

The heart of the event was the recognition of EWP participants. The winners of the Best Business Idea Presentation seized the limelight:

The night crescendoed with a vibrant ambiance, a delectable dinner, and live music, celebrating the indomitable spirit and outstanding achievements of these visionary women.

Relive the magic and soak in the inspiration by reading the article here.

Let’s continue championing innovation, empowerment, and the remarkable successes of women in business together! Scroll down to see our photo gallery!

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